SEIU 775 represents more than 45,000 long-term care workers providing quality home care, nursing homecare, and residential services in Washington and Montana.

With SEIU 775, homecare workers have come together, made our voices heard, and won big changes for both caregivers and our clients. In Washington, we have doubled wages for home care workers—and experienced caregivers earn even more. But we’re not stopping there! Every time we go back to the bargaining table, we’re fighting for our clients, better wages, healthcare, PTO, paid family leave, safe working conditions, retirement, and the right for those we care for to live dignified lives.

Our work is far from finished. Being a part of SEIU 775 means you are fighting for a better life for the people you care for and yourself. Being an SEIU 775 member means you’re standing with thousands of other caregivers committed to improving the critical services we provide. To join, please go to https://mt.join775.org/members/new.

Our Union is made of and for caregivers, from our democratically elected board to the members of our union contract bargaining teams. Caregivers make our Union strong.